Monday 31 July 2017

Lunch Idea # 3


Hi guys, as promised I am sharing with you some lunch menus which can easily be packed in your kid’s lunch box.  Today we at incorporating both snacks and lunch into one sandwich.

Don’t ever deprive you kids of their sweets! As parents and care gives you need to know how much to give them and when to give them.

Today we are making the minion sandwich!

Things you will need

1. Bread ( white and wheat)

2. Cheese paste

3. Sour cream

4. Oreo cookies/ cherries


1. Place a slice of wheat bread at the bottom of the lunch box.

2. Paste with yellow cheese paste

3. Take a cookie cutter and place unto slice of white bread ( cut two circles for the eyes)

4. Place these two round pieces of white bread unto the cheese paste to form the eyes of the minion

5. Place a cherry or a piece of Oreo cookie to complete the eye.

6. To give the mouth of the minion, crumble pieces of Oreo cookies as can be seen in the picture

Let me know what you guys think J

Stay tuned to another fav lunch menu in my next post

1 comment:

  1. Michael Mongroo6 August 2017 at 09:39

    A great idea and attractive to kids im sure. Never thought of this one. Its a fantastic idea.


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