Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

It is important for our kids  to create and maintain healthy eating habits to ensure their continued growth and development.
Healthy Eating simply means eating a variety of foods from the six food groups, in its correct amounts, that is to say its right portions and eating on time. This way, our kids will receive the right amounts of nutrients they need to grow healthily. These nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. 

The Six Food groups provide our kids with these nutrients and it is important for us as parents and caregivers that we make the healthier options in these groups for our kids.
That is to say, creating healthy eating habits from each food group will result in your kid's improved health, concentration and performance.


Staples- This group provides our children with most of their energy in the form of carbohydrates. 
Foods in this group include rice, pasta, breads, oats and even ground provisions. It is important that our kids consume foods from this group everyday as it is here they will get their energy to play and even concentrate on their school work. BEST options in this group are those which contain most fibre such as whole wheat or whole grain products, such as whole wheat bread and roti, cornmeal, brown rice, cassava, dasheen and even whole wheat or multi grain crackers. 

Legumes- These contain peas, beans and nuts and provide our kids with a source of energy in the form of carbohydrates and protein as well. Fresh peas and beans and the BEST options as opposed to tin or canned peas and beans as they are considered processed and will increase the risk of our children developing hypertension and other lifestyle related diseases.

Food from Animals This is an exceptionally important group as it is here your kids will receive their protein needs in order for muscle growth and as well as the healing of cuts and bruises. They include eggs, fish, chicken, pork and turkey. BEST options in this group include lean cuts of meat such as chicken breasts, grilled and baked fish and even turkey.

Vegetables- Yes I know! Vegetables seems to be one of the hardest things for your kids to eat, but I assure you with time and staying tuned to this blog I will share tips and tricks that will allow your kids to be eating them :)
Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals and are essentially important for your kids as they protect them from developing colds and viruses and build healthy and strong immune systems. They include pumpkin, Carrots, melongene, patchoi, ochro, bhodi and may more.

Fruits- Similarly to vegetables, fruits contain vitamins and minerals which will allow your kids to develop healthy immune systems and prevent them from developing colds and viruses. These includes mangoes, oranges, apples, bananas, grapes , kiwi

Fats and Oils- Fats and oils in its correct portions are healthy for your kids. Fats are important as they allow for the cushioning of body organs and help with keeping or kids warm as fat acts as an insulator. BEST choices in this group include avocado, canola and olive oil.


1. Encourage kids to eat 5 small meals every day.
2. Meals should be no more than 2-3 hours apart
3. Encourage your kids to have THREE main meals, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
4. Have two Snacks- Mid-AM and Mid-PM.

That's all for today folks! Stay tuned for my next post as I venture into sharing some tips and tricks.

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