Cooking Tips


It’s very important to look at the amount of sugar, salt and fat we are adding to our foods. After all, these all increase our risk for developing life style diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension and heart related diseases.

Today, I am sharing with you a substitute for “burning / browning sugar” one of the methods we use for stewing foods such as chicken.

Instead of using sugar we are going to use lemon or lime juice.


1. Place pot on fire

2. Add lemon/ lime juice to pot and allow to simmer

In about three minutes lemon/ juice will start to “dry down”  and resemble that bubbling effect of the sugar we are accustomed to.

4. At this time, continue stirring contents of the pot with spoon until desired colour is achieved

5. Add chicken to the pot and cook as usual.

Important facts:

Using lemon/ lime instead of sugar and oil is quite an important tip for the Diabetic Population.

It is important we create these healthy eating habits as early as possible to prevent the risk of


Today, I’m sharing with you the best seasonings you can use in your meal preparations, some of which has health benefits. Rather than using seasonings which are high in salt which can lead to health diseases such as hypertension, it is important for you to prepare foods with these for your children.
I use these in all my meal preparation. They are fresh and nothing about it is processed.
It’s a great idea to cut up the chive and celery and place them in zip lock bags and into the freezer until you are ready to use.

Chive- Chives contain choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. It also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation               
Celery- Celery can not only be added to foods for flavor but the celery stalk can be served raw as a fruit for you kids. Try serving them with peanut butter.

Onions-   these add a perfect flavor to foods as well they provide some health benefits whereby the phytochemicals in them along with their vitamin C help improve immunity

Pimento   These add a perfect blend and taste to foods. They add a lot of flavor as well. Apart from their sweet, succulent taste, Pimiento pepper is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Garlic- Generally speaking garlic has been scientifically proven to reduce blood pressure

Stay tuned to

1 comment:

  1. I love that you included health benefits for simple seasoning ingredients.


Dinner # 3

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