Sunday 23 July 2017

Lunch Idea # 2



This is a very common and simple recipe, I am sure most of you are familiar with. It’s a mini grilled chicken sandwich. For kids, you want to be able to make the sandwich attractive, colourful and small.

Things you will need

1. Dinner rolls

2. Grilled chicken breast

3. Lettuce

4. Tomatoes

5. Cheese


1. Cut open diner rolls and place a bed of lettuce at the bottom.

2. Next, add small chunks of grilled chicken sandwich

3. Add thin slice of cheese

4. Place cubed sized cuts of tomatoes of top of the cheese

5. Add a dash of olive oil for flavour.

It’s quite a simple and common sandwich I am sure your kids will love.

The trick it to use mini sandwiches and to cut the tomatoes in fine cubes.

Stay tuned because I will be posting one more lunch idea in my next post

See you then guys J

1 comment:

  1. Michael Mongroo6 August 2017 at 09:37

    Although very common this is also good to consider the use of mini sandwiches.


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