Tuesday 23 May 2017


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.

Here you would find tips and tricks, recipes, advice and guidelines to stimulate healthy eating habits in our children.

I invite you to post your comments, concerns and questions you may have about your kids and their eating habits. Feel free to post your suggestions as well as to what you would like to see on this blog.

Creating healthy eating habits can be such a task with our little ones, and most parents are naïve as to what HEALTHY EATING really means, so stay tuned for my next post as it relates to healthy eating as I share my experience and expertise with you.

See you then folks!


  1. Michael Mongroo27 May 2017 at 19:55

    Great job and very informative, definitely needed as a guide to a good diet. You can also include the type of foods to try to avoid and minimize eating as well. Good stuff indeed. Keep posting.

  2. Thank you for your feed back ! and I will most definitely keep that in mind.

  3. Very informative blog, would definitely be looking out for more blogs. I have a question, some patents are debating the risks of high fructose corn syrup in our kid's snacks. I personally think it's not too bad once they don't overdo, what are your thoughts?

  4. Hi Starvey. Thank you for your comment. It is so important as parents and caregives to understand whatHigh Fructose Corn syrup( HFCS )really is and the impact it can have on our kids. Il try to explain without being too technical. In fact, HFCS contributes to obesity, Two substances in our bodies control our food intake: insulin and leptin. Its a scientific fact that people who have low leptin levels are obese. Insulin increases leptin levels ; leptin is what control the amount of foods that we eat.HFCS reduces both the amount of insulin and leptin in our bodies causing us to eat more and therefore gain weight. Interesting fact is that HFCS is not metabolised by our bodies as glucose is metabolised. Glucose is let into the brain ( as our source of energy) and fructose it NOT. This is very significant because glucose sends signals to our brain that says " WE'RE FULL, YOU CAN STOP EATING NOW." This does not happen with fructose.
    Another interesting fact is HFCS was intoroduced in the 70's to our food indsutries, and by 2000 replaced glucose in more than 40% of sweetened products. Soon after this we saw an increase in obesity.

    So everything in moderation is CORRECT st the same time, we need to educate our kids.!


Dinner # 3

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